Conducting a “Day in the Life” event can assure staff that the things “keeping them up at night” have been considered and solved prior to a facility opening.


Consider ‘Day in the Life’ Issues Long Before 医疗保健 Opening

Learn team members' varying perspectives to guarantee that all operational processes and space considerations are clear prior to Day One operations.


It’s common to hear the phrase “Day in the Life” (DITL) during the activation of a new 医疗保健 space, 但这到底是什么意思呢? 第一个 day of operations is hardly the time to consider everyday activities and discover that something significant is amiss in the new space.

Imagine trying to wheel a patient into your gleaming new building only to find that the light switch is on the other side of the room? You don’t want to leave your patient to turn on the light switch, 现在必须对架构进行更改. 这包括暂时关闭空间以进行更改, further costing the hospital time and money on top of the time and money already invested to build the space.

与此同时, if you had walked through a day in the life with the nurse who would be performing the task, you could have identified this change prior to opening. Although it might have some associated costs to change it, 现在,如果这个空间完全投入使用,它仍然不会那么令人头疼.

DITL planning starts months before the actual opening. All staff affected by the move are asked to contribute items that “keep them up at night.常见的担忧包括“我们将在哪里存储这些特定的物资??” or “Now that we have such a large waiting space, how will we know where to look for our patients?通过询问不同的团队成员, we learn different perspectives desperately needed to guarantee all operational processes and space considerations have been addressed prior to Day One operations.

梳理和筛选所有这些“让你夜不能寐”的项目, 可以开发场景来将项目链接在一起, so we are hitting multiple items during each scenario. 有些服务领域甚至会有他们想要测试的相同项目(例如.e., 如果血库在移动, 多个服务部门都想知道此举将如何影响他们的工作。. Developing those scenarios to include all the different areas allows us to benefit from diverse viewpoints during the DITL scenario and focus on more items during the DITL event.

的 amount of planning surrounding the DITL is significant. Depending on the size of the new space and the services areas being affected by the move, the DITL could involve dozens of scenarios comprising hundreds of employees and items being addressed to guarantee efficient and safe Day One operations.

的 logistics and organization of the DITL are pivotal in engaging the staff participating in the DITL event and in hitting the key items within each scenario. A successful DITL event can assure staff that the things “keeping them up at night” have been considered and solved prior to opening. Additional outputs of a successful DITL event include minimizing time and money spent on any architectural or construction changes, minimizing patient safety risks and increasing awareness of hot-button items that will need to be addressed either before the move or in the future.

Although a DITL event can be time-consuming to plan and execute, 收益很容易超过成本. Even if the DITL event doesn’t pay for itself by finding an architectural change early on (which it most likely will), the staff’s peace of mind and new familiarity with the space during the DITL event are invaluable.

联系澳门足彩app的医疗保健咨询团队 specializes in highly successful help ensure that your facility launches smoothly and according to a thoughtful, 全面的计划.

澳门足彩app delivers $2± billion annually in 体系结构, 工程, 建设 (AEC) and 咨询 solutions to assure certainty of outcome for complex capital projects worldwide. 澳门足彩app是一个全球性的, 完全集成, single-source design-build and EPC firm with over 2,高度专业化, 内部设计, construction and administrative professionals across industrial and commercial markets. 在全球拥有20多个办公地点, 澳门足彩app is a trusted partner for global and emerging clients.

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